Some of the best Muslim scientists in history and they are famous for that reason. Episode 3

 Assalamu Alaikum

I hope you are all well by the grace of God.

My previous two episodes: -

Episode 1: - Some of the best Muslim scientists in history and they are famous for that reason

Episode 2: - Some of the best Muslim scientists in history and they are famous for that reason

5. Al Beruni (the first accurate description of latitude and longitude)

Al-Beruni was born on September 4, 963 AD, in Khawarizm, Persia, in the 3rd district of 381 AH. His full name is Abu Dayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Biruni.

 His father Muhammad was a middle class man. Al-Beruni had a strong desire for knowledge. Despite his limited interest in reading his son's writings,

 Father Muhammad did not make the slightest mistake in his efforts. In some cases, even if it is impossible, he has made all the arrangements for the education of his son. That is why Al-Beruni has left a mark of achievement in his student life. In a short time, word of his erudition spread. However, he had to migrate from country to country day after day to acquire knowledge.

He believed in his heart that God knows everything. Therefore, the servant of God cannot be ignorant. He nurtured this belief and wandered in the path of knowledge for four decades. His life was rich in divine blessings. His free movement was in physics, mathematics, history, geography and metaphysics and was studied by Abu Sina.

Al-Beruni's fame was all around when Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni conquered Khiva, a place in the lower reaches of the Amu Darya in Uzbekistan. Mahmud took him with him. He was appointed to a high position in the state. Al-Beruni visited India several times with Sultan Mahmud.

He toured extensively over the next two decades. At this time he exchanged knowledge with Indian scholars. Mathematics, geography, spiritual philosophy. He gained deep knowledge about Hindu philosophy from them. In return he taught Greek and Arab science and philosophy to Indian scholars.

Al-Beruni's Kitab al-Hind is a rare presentation on the social and historical institutions of the subcontinent. He himself translated two books into Sanskrit and Arabic. One is 'testimony' and the other is Patanjali. Evidence discusses the creation and variation of matter. And in Patanjali, there has been a lot of discussion about body and soul. It discusses the situation after the escape of the soul.

Sultan Mahmud died shortly after al-Beruni returned to Ghazni from India, and his son Sultan Masud ascended the throne in 1031. Sultan Masud also had great respect for Al Beruni. At this time Al Beruni wrote his greatest book Kanune Masudi. This vast library is completed in a total of 11 volumes. The book deals with various aspects of science. 

The 1st and 2nd volumes deal with astronomy, the 3rd volume with trigonometry; 4th volume - spherical astronomy: 5th volume - planets, longitude, size of the sun; Volume 6 - The motion of the sun; Volume 8 - The motion of the moon; 7th Volume - Visible and Eclipse of the Moon; 9th volume - fixed stars; In the 10th volume, 5 planets have been discussed and in the 11th volume, astrology has been discussed. Sultan Masood was very pleased to name this invaluable book after the Sultan and presented Al Beruni with many valuable silver items. But al-Beruni was not a levy of money. So he deposited this valuable gift in the treasury.

Al-Biruni gives an excellent explanation of lunar and solar eclipses in his book Kanun al-Masudi. He gives wonderful explanations of dawn and dusk. He showed that twilight occurs when the sun is 18 নিচে below the horizon, and modern astronomers have proved this. Regarding the sun,

 Al Biruni said that the sun is a spherical fire of solar eruption. On the other hand, he claims that the room in which the moon orbits the earth is not a full sphere. Although he could not accurately determine the distance of the moon from the earth, he calculated how far the distance of the moon from the earth could be from the highest to the lowest. He blamed the different positions of the moon on different tides. Al-Beruni has left a great deal of knowledge on the history of civilization, the theory of soil, the theory of the sea, and the theory of the sky as contributions to mankind. According to European scholars, Beruni is an encyclopedia.

He was also famous as a linguist. He was fluent in Arabic, Persian, Syrian, Greek, Sanskrit, Hebrew and other languages. He has discovered a lot of information in trigonometry. Corponicus said that the planets, including the Earth, orbit the Sun, while 425 years before Corponicus was born, Al Beruni said, "the Earth rotates in a circular motion."

He misinterpreted Ptolemy's and Jacob's decimals and gave his correct idea. He was the first to unravel the mystery of natural springs and artesian wells. His fame as an astrologer was immense. All the prophecies he made were correct. He distinguished the speed of sound from the speed of sound. He discovered 10 errors in Aristotle's book Heaven. He also discovered the relationship between religion and science. He is the number of petals of different types of flowers, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 18 will be but never 8 or 9; Discover this truth.

Al-Beruni invented a fancy and wonderful method of fine and pure calculation. “The Formula of Interpolation is the current name of the method. In his sign list and tangent list he has written the price of Sin O 'and Tan 90 in the same way এই the sign is Z.

R-Beruni gives the first accurate description of longitude and latitude. This extraordinary scientist gives a precise shape to geo-economics. The name of his book on this subject is 'Al-Atahar Al-Baqiya'. He discovered 18 precious stones in terms of density and size.

Her research on jewelery surprised everyone. Diamonds, pearls, gems and other precious stones were the subject of his deep and extensive research. The book he has written on this subject is called Kitab al-Jamahir. His books on physiology and medicine are a unique treasure. This has led to a combination of everything in Materia and Medica. The book is called Kitab al-Sayyidena. This includes knowledge of Arabic physiology. There are also substantial discussions about Indian herbs or medicines.

Professor Hamarneh said, "Al-Beruni is the first person in the world, not only in the Muslim world, to discuss the history of medicine and its history from BC to his time. Professor Mappa said, “Al-Beruni is one of the best scholars not only in the Muslim world, but in the whole world.

He himself mentions a total of 114 books by al-Biruni. Of these, 103 books have been completed and 10 incomplete books are mentioned. The most notable of these is the Kitabut Tafhim. It is divided into 530 chapters. It discusses mathematics, geometry and the structure of the world. Ifradul Fal Phil Amril Azlal '- It discusses the galaxy of astronomy.

He has also written a book on herbal medicine, entitled Kitab-i-Saydana. Al-Aharul Bakiya Alal Kubanil Kalia'- It deals with the ancient history of the world. 'JJ Abkanda (relating to celestial bodies and astronomy). His most notable work is Alal Fi Jiz Khawarizmi (about logic). It is amazing to think that it is so difficult for one person to compose hundreds of huge books

Al-Beruni was one of the greatest men of all time. At the end of the tenth century and in the eleventh century, Al-Beruni was the one whose private pursuit of knowledge and science rejoiced in the light of a new sun. He was extremely pious. He believed that God possessed all knowledge. At the age of 63, he became very angry. Gradually he became weak. No treatment could cure him. Finally, on Friday, December 12, 1048, at the age of 65, Abu Raihan Muhammad bin Ahmad Al Beruni breathed his last.

6. Al-Battani (the first to accurately measure the solar year)

Al-Battani is named Battani because he was born in Battan in Mesopotamia in 758 AD. His full names are Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Sharif Sinan, Al Harbani Al Battani Al-Sabi. Al-Battani's education began in his childhood. He studied linguistics, philosophy, geology and history at the University of Baghdad. At the age of only 20, he was able to gain a place in Sudhimahal as an astronomer and mathematician.

 He was an extraordinary astronomer. There was no astronomer like him then. At the same time he was a great mathematician. He continued his research for 42 consecutive years. He conducted research in various branches of mathematics and astronomy. Through these researches, he has revealed extraordinary truths to the human race. He calculated 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 24 seconds one solar year. 

Thanks to modern technology there, today we know that the length of the solar year is 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 45 seconds. Only a difference of 21 seconds as Al Battani! Isn't that wonderful? Without any advanced telescopes or modern astronomical instruments, his measurements would have been truly astonishing.

He also corrected the mistakes of many previous scientists, including Ptolemy, in astronomy. Al-Battani was able to refute Ptolemy's theory of solar and lunar eclipses as completely wrong. Be. He showed that the apparent angular radius of the sun increases and decreases. 

He made a completely new and accurate statement about seeing the new moon. His statement about the eclipse of the sun and the moon is also clear. He also made an excellent decision that when the solar eclipse occurs, the moon is located between the sun and the earth. And when the sun is at the highest distance from the earth, a line of bright light is formed around the moon during the eclipse. Al-Battani, with his newly unveiled instrument, the Armory Sphere, proved that

Ptolemy's theory that the sun is fixed is not true. The sun moves in its own orbit. Al-Battani Arae proves that the distance between the sun and Ptolemy's time increased by 18:46. So the sun is not stationary and moving in its own orbit. Battani refutes a few other doctrines propagated by Ptolemy. In which One of the apparent angular radius changes of the sun.

 Battani began to make new observations about the inequality of motion of other planets and stars. As a result, instead of Ptolemy's list, he prepared a new list because Ptolemy's doctrine of the apogee of the sun was wrong. Al-Battani explains that the plane between the Sun and the Earth's orbit is very similar to the imaginary plane passing through the Earth's equator. Surprisingly he measured the angle between these two imaginary planes

This angle is called the 'curvature of the solar eclipse'. Al-Battani measured 23 degrees 35 minutes, which is very close to the current accurate measurement of 23 degrees 26 minutes 8.26 seconds.

The correct calculation of the new moon is well known in the world of Battani astronomy as it is introduced according to simple beautiful new rules. He also determines the time-period of the season. Be able to accurately capture the orbital situation of the Sun.

 He also set the lowest average. He translated and published the letter jala as a symbol of numbers. It was published in 3 volumes by European scholars. He was also a pioneer in the field of mathematics. Battani was also the first to discuss the completely independent nature of trigonometry.

 Al-Battani was the first to discover that this was a self-contained science. Sine, cosine, tangent, co-tangent, etc. The use of simple symbolic rules of trigonometry, such as the use of characteristic boiling oil, no one could have imagined before Battani.

 The theorem that Ptolemy Chords used to solve the problem of trigonometry was so complex and incomprehensible that people did not want to come close to it, thinking it was meaningless. Battani uses the Arabic word jaib '(curve) in trigonometry.

The word sine (sine) is derived from the Latin translation of 'sinus'. The conjunctivitis originates from the concept of the flat plane shadow above the shadow clock discovered by the Arabs and the literal form of the tangent from the concept of the upper shadow. In other words, al-Battani is at the root of discovering the meaningful use of these words in trigonometry. Battani was the first to discover the relationship of tangents with sine, cosine. He also discovered the relationship of the trigonometry of angles with the sides of a triangle (Muslim Contributions to World Civilization, pp. 6-7). The introduction of his 4 books on astronomy is as follows

1. The solution of astronomy with the help of "Matali Al-Baruj Fi Ma Bayana Arba Al Falaq" in Kitab Marefa. 

2. Rigala fi Tahaqiq Abdar al-Illisalat is a trigonometric solution to the movements of the planets and stars. 

3. ‘Sabah al-Maqalat al-Arba Likatmium’ is a commentary on Ptolemy’s Tetrabibbles.

 4. List of 'Aaj-Jiz' astronomy books. In the mentioned book Gula 

This book is the best and the greatest. This text was translated into Latin by Plato Tibertilus and Regiomontenas.

The book Aaj-Jiz not only inspired Arab scientists, but also influenced the European Renaissance. Evidence of this can be seen in Castile's tenth alfalfa, not being satisfied with its Latin translation, but re-translated from the original Arabic into Spanish. 

On his way back from Baghdad, he died in 929 AH in a village called Kamar az-Jis near Samara on the east bank of the Tigris River. His tomb is still here today. The popularity of his book Al Jiz skyrocketed after his death.

 Almost all the Muslim astronomers of later times have been inspired by his work. Al-Battani is one of the foremost personalities of the glorious period of Muslims, known as the Golden Age of Islam. His contribution will be remembered in the history of astronomy irrespective of religion.


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