Assalamu Alaikum
I hope you are all well by the grace of God.
In the continuation of the last episode, today I appeared with the biographies of two more scientists.
3. Ibn Sina (father of modern medicine)
Ibn Sina, who spent his entire life in pursuit of hard knowledge and perseverance, was born into a royal family but could not attract the lure of wealth, pleasure and abundance, which was the pride of the Muslims. He is Ibn Sina. His real name is Abu Ali al-Husayn ibn Abdullah ibn Sina. He is generally known as Ibn Sina, Bu-Ali Sina and Abu Ali Sina.
He was born in 960 AD in the village of Afsana in the famous city of Bukhara, Turkey. His father's name is Abdullah and mother's name is Sitara Bibi. Father Abdullah was the ruler of Khorasan. Shortly after his birth, he brought Ibn Sina to Bukhara and arranged for his education. From an early age, he had an outstanding talent and genius. At the age of 10, he memorized 30 verses of the Holy Qur'an.
He had three tutors. Among them, Ismail Sufi used to teach him theology, jurisprudence and commentary; Mahmud Massah taught mathematics and the famous philosopher Al-Na-Teli taught philosophy, jurisprudence, geometry, Ptolemy's Al-Majest, Jawahar Mantek, etc. At the age of 18 he acquired all the knowledge. There was no knowledge left of the famous philosopher Allah or Teli that he could teach Ibn Sina. He then gave Ibn Sina his own independent research.
At the age of only 17, he healed the king by creating magic in medicine. The king, in gratitude, opened the royal court for him. In just a few days, he memorized all the books of the Kutubkhana with infinite patience and concentration. There was nothing left in the science of knowledge that he did not know.
At the age of only 19, he acquired an infinite knowledge of science, philosophy, history, economics, politics, mathematics, geometry, jurisprudence, psychology, medicine, poetry, literature, etc. At the age of 21, he wrote an encyclopedia called Al Majmooa, in which he recorded almost everything except mathematics.
Father Abdullah died in 1001 AD. He was 22 years old at the time. Political disaster befell him.
Happiness did not last long in his later life, so he had to flee from one country to another. But even in all this, his acquisition of knowledge was not hindered in the slightest.
After the death of his father, Bu-Ali left Bukhara and went to Furjan. There Kavarizm Shah welcomed him. There he met Al Beruni. Then he went to a place called 'Ray'. After that go to Hamazan. There he wrote his famous book Al Qanun Fi-Oli Tib '. Then move to Isfahan.
Ibn Sina's proverbial book Al-Qanun was known in the West as Qanun. This was one of the wonders of medical science. It is a great encyclopedia of medical science. This encyclopedia has more than 1 million words. All the knowledge of medical science is discussed in it. In particular, the combination of this knowledge comes from the sources left by the ancient Muslim medical scientists.
The book Al-Qanun
was translated into Latin, English, Hebrew, etc.
and was included in
the textbooks of medical schools in Europe
at that time. Al-Qanun is divided into 5 large volumes with
more than 4 lakh pages . The book gives a detailed explanation of the
causes, symptoms and diet of hundreds of complex diseases .
The book Al-Qanun also surpasses Razi's 'Hawi' and Ali Ibn Abba's Maliki. Even Gallon's success is overshadowed by Al-Qanun's success. Al-Qanun has been the best medical encyclopedia for six centuries. This encyclopedia gives the world a unique opportunity to learn about the past knowledge of medical science. This book reflects the various fundamental contributions of Ibn Sina.
He made great strides in pharmacology and
clinical practice. However, his main contribution
was in medicine. He is the
founder of Holistic Medicine.
Where treatment is given at the same time considering the physical,
mental and spiritual connections
. He
describes the exact anatomy of the human eye . Tuberculosis is a disease of
the opinion that tuberculosis is a
choyace disease. Which his later Western
physicians rejected and
which proved to be more accurate later. He was the first to
diagnose meningitis .
In fact,
he is the
father of modern medicine . Ash Shefa is
another invaluable book of philosophy ,
divided into 20 volumes . In it, Ibn Sina covered
all subjects, including politics, economics, zoology and botany
He discovered all the diseases that spread through water and land
. He was the first
to study Aristotle's philosophy well. But although
he agreed with some of Aristotle's
doctrines, he
could not agree with all of them.
His contributions to mathematics, physics and music are brilliant and radiant. He explained the casting out of nines. He also experimented with squares and cubes. In physics, he has made significant contributions in the fields of energy, heat, light, force, emptiness, infinity, etc. He was the first to declare the interplay between time and motion. He has researched: with relative importance. He used an air thermometer or air thermometer.
His contribution to the world of music surpassed that of all the time. He improved some of Farabi's work. Doubling the fourth and fifth in the harmonic system was a step forward. Ibn Sina noticed that when n = 45, there is no melody in the sound that comes to the ear. A series of melody parallels is presented (via the formula n + 1 / n).
He is the
welfare of the people and the advancement of knowledge science
He has worked hard all his life and
traveled in search of knowledge.
He returned to Hamadan in the evening of life. Due to overwork, he gradually became weak and suffered from stomach ache. One day one of his servants mixed opium with medicine. His vitality came to an end with the poisoning of opium. In the year 1038 AD, this world-renowned sage passed away. He was buried in Hamadan.
4. Ibn Nafis (true discoverer of the circulatory system, father of research physiology, pioneer of experimental anatomy and founder of Nafisian anatomy, physiology)
Ibn Nafis was born in 606 AH according to 1208 AD. His full name is Alauddin Abul Hasan Ali Ibn Abul Hajkam Ibn Nafis Al Qurayshi Al Misri.
The human body was a surprise to Ibn al-Nafis. He was a novice in unraveling its mystery. He was deeply immersed in learning about the structure and management of the human body. It is through his hard work that we learn about the true structure of the human lung. He first felt that blood and air were constantly flowing inside the human body. He said that as a result of this blood and air flow, there must be a kind of reaction in the nervous system. In fact, he told us the truth. He first presented an accurate explanation of the arterial system. This arterial system delivers blood to the heart.
He discusses the anatomy of the lungs and the heart. According to him, there are only two chambers in the heart. One is full of blood and it is on the right side and the other is full of life, it is on the left side there is no way to move between the two.
If there was, then the blood would flow to the place of vitality and destroy it. In discussing the anatomy of the heart, Ibn Nafis argues that there is no functional movement in the right palm, and that it does not matter whether the heart is called a muscle or something else. In modern medical science, this doctrine is accepted as completely scientific, but Ibn Nafis has not been recognized in the world of science.
Ibn Nafis studied the system of blood circulation in the human body, the proper structure of the lungs, the airways and the flow of blood in the airways, heart, body, veins, etc. The reason why he has become immortal in modern medical science is his theory of blood circulation in the human body. He was the first to give an accurate description of the circulatory system (300 years before William Harvey).
This is described in Ibn Sina's Shari'ah Tasreeh. He discusses the anatomy of the lungs and the heart (Science Manisha, p. 129). In his book 'Kitabush Shamil Phil Sinayat Tibbia' about the medicine of various diseases, he has provided solutions to various difficult problems in medicine.
Ibn al-Nafis opened new doors in pharmacology. He has written several books. The name of his most famous book: Al-Shamil fi Al-Tib. This book was 300 volumes. All in all, an encyclopedia is practically created. But death came suddenly and snatched him away. As a result, his dream did not come true.
The manuscript of the book is now available in Damascus. He has written a complete basic book on ophthalmology. It reveals the subject of his own research. Fortunately, the book is available now. One of his books, Muaz-al-Qanun, overwhelmed everyone. He has written several books on the philosophy of his predecessors. It contains a book on the work of Hippocrates.
He wrote a book in several volumes on Ibn Sina's famous book Qanun. This book is also available so far. He has an interesting book about nutrition. The name of this book is: 'Kitab al-Mukhtar fi-al-Akhidiya. In that book he has presented a balanced diet list.
Besides, there are all his important works on Hadith Shastra. The books on the subject are: Al-Mukhtar Minal Agkia (about the effect of food on the human body), Al-Kitabul Muhajj Phil Kahal (about the eye disease), Risalat fi Manafiel Adal Insaniyat (about the work of human organs), Mukhtasarul Mantek, Tariqul Fasah Tibu etc.
He is known worldwide as a medical scientist. Apart from medicine, he has also left his mark on law, religion, literature and logic.
This great scientist died on 16 December 126 AD.